Investigating spiritually active locations in the greater Midwest area since 2008. MPRS is seeking a greater understanding of the paranormal activity that surrounds us everywhere we go, and the documentation of that activity for research purposes.
Our investigations always include people from various backgrounds. Each team always includes investigators that are experienced, curious, interested in history, skeptical which provides a well rounded mix and brings many layers to each investigation. We even include investigators who are experienced with HVAC, boilers, electrical, modern technology, and plumbing to give a well rounded look at anything that could be contributing to unusual activity. Our goal is to help all people (and spirits) involved when we are called to a location that claims to have paranormal activity. MPRS will bring a positive resolution to those living with the uncertainty or fear involved after being on the receiving end of possible hauntings.
MPRS is an open group which holds monthly group meetups. These provide a fun and safe environment to discuss paranormal experiences people encounter in their day to day lives. Members bring their experiences to the table and most meetups we find ourselves covering a wide range of paranormal topics.
MPRS is a "Society" and gaining new members every day (through meetup.com) who are interested in all things paranormal so we like to host bigger events on a regular basis. Group outings to haunted locations, paranormal camping weekends or social mixers, we keep it different and entertaining and it's a great way to meet other paranormal enthusiasts.
Whether it is joining a group event in person, joining an investigation, or participating online to talk about paranormal activity or haunted locations... We look to create an active organization in Minnesota and beyond that meets the needs of its paranormal seeking community.

Heidi Steffens and Tim Donahue
Organizers of MPRS since 2008

Ohio State Reformatory
May 2015

Missouri State Penitentiary
May 2016

Investigation at Whisper Estate - Indiana

Teaching a Paranormal Investigation class and found some friends in the basement.